What is ‘Pay After Delivery’?

Pay after Delivery is a service MediumSea offers, where you only pay for your order after it’s delivered to you. “Delivered” is subject to the logistics status displayed on the MediumSea platform as a Confirmed Receipt. MediumSea won’t charge any interest and there are no hidden fees.
Note: Not all items qualify for Pay after Delivery. You can see if an item is eligible on the checkout page.

What are the available methods for payment on MediumSea.com?

You can choose the payment methods above for your order on AliExpress.com:

Debit/Credit Card. Carte Blue, QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, SMS(Russia), Wire Transfer/Bank Transfer/TT and etc

What is CVV and where to find it?

CVV is an anti-fraud security feature that helps verify the identity of cardholder.

You can find it with below instruction and input it for payment.