I received my order after getting a refund. What can I do?

If you would like to return the item, please contact the seller to negotiate the return, e.g., return it to the seller directly, or place a new order in seller’s store.

I haven’t received my order. What should I do?

Please Track the parcel to check the package status:

– If the package is in transit with normal logistic update:

According to our past experience, the majority of the packages will be delivered within the time frame promised by the seller.

If your package does not arrive by the promised time (PST), please open dispute and we will help you then. We appreciate your patience.

Order processing time may be delayed about 5 days during International Workers’ Day

To celebrate International Workers’ Day, many of our sellers will be on holiday from April 29- May 3. During that period, order processing, shipping and seller response time in dispute may be delayed about 5 working days. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.

Why has the estimated delivery time changed and when will I receive the goods?

Estimated delivery time will be changed according to the actual logistics and transportation situation. Usually you will receive the package within estimated delivery time.

What should I do if the dispute processing time is too long and I don’t want to wait?

We are sorry that we are verifying the information with the logistics company, please wait for the checking, and don’t worry about your package and the money loss. If the logistics has not arrived till on-time-delivery, the dispute will be closed and refund to you.